sppsvc cpu

windows7 sppsvc进程占用CPU为什么这么高呀??当你电脑正常启动时,一些进程已经在后台工作。对于来历不明的进程可以取消,但对于系统的进程你取消后就会让系统不正常。如果你的WIN7是清洁版进程占用CPU应该不高,

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It has been widely publicised that Microsoft’s newest operating system, Windows 10, collects astonishing amounts of information about its users, with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 to follow the trend with newl...

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  • windows7 sppsvc进程占用CPU为什么这么高呀??当你电脑正常启动时,一些进程已经在后台工作。对于来历不明的进程可以取消,但对于系统的进程你取消后就会让系统不正常。如果...
    windows7 sppsvc进程占用CPU为什么这么高呀??_百度知道 ...
  • I have a VM that seems to be having trouble with the Software Protection Platform Service ...
    Software Protection Platform Service Issues
  • What is sppsvc.exe from Microsoft? sppsvc.exe is part of Microsoft Software Protection Pla...
    What is sppsvc.exe ? - Boost, speed up your PC
  • Hi, I got a message which says that sppsvc.exe wants internet access. It's sitting in ...
    SPPSVC.exe |McAfee Community
  • How to fix sppsvc.exe high CPU/Memory usage? Download DLL Suite, install and run this spps...
    sppsvc.exe | DLL Suite
  • sppsvc.exe using 60% to 80% of cpu since 4/6/2015 in Windows Server tech preview. Is this ...
    sppsvc.exe High cpu usage since 462015
  • open a cmd.exe as admin, run wpr.exe -start cpu wait until the cpu usage is gone, now run ...
    process - sppsvc.exe issue on Windows 10 - Super User
  • I have a system I am working on that no matter what I do svchost.exe keeps CPU usage on a ...
    Solved: svchost.exe putting out very high CPU usage in servi ...
  • sppsvc.exe could be a part of Microsoft Software Protection Platform Service but safe for ...
    Sppsvc.exe - What is sppsvc.exe? - Microsoft Software ...
  • Subreddit theme is disabled, let us know why so we can improve it, message us. GitHub repo...
    Microsoft software protection platform service(sppsvc.exe) ...